Σεμινάριο You(th) Stand UP! – Aversa (Ιταλία) 4 Οκτώβρη 2019

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You(th) Stand UP!_Multiplier Event

Conference – Symposium – Forum

4 October 2019 | Aversa , Italy

For more specific information visit the SALTO-Youth website: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/training/you-th-stand-up-multiplier-event.8165/

The conference is organised by Patatrac to present the outputs: You (th) Stand UP ! Educational Training Model; You (th) Stand UP! Assessment

TOPIC OF THE MEETING: Project dissemination – Erasmus + Ka2 – “You (th) Stand Up!”. 

COUNTRIES that can participate to the event: Greece, Cyprus, Belgium


The association PATATRAC is the coordinator of an Erasmus + innovation project entitled “YOU (th) STAND UP! “(2017-2- IT03_KA205_011264). The project is carried out in cooperation with the organizations STUDIO ERRESSE (IT), AIM (Belgium), SYNTHESIS (Cyprus), CYCLISIS (Greece). 

The objectives of the project are:

strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of Youth Workers’ and of those who  works  in the field of non formal education  (volunteers and professionals); 

developing  of entrepreneurial skills in young people (in particular those who are at the greatest risk of social and economic exclusion)

To achieve the objectives listed, the partners have been developed two tools based on non-formal education methods: 

1) You (th) Stand UP ! Educational Training Model – educational path for developing and strengthening entrepreneurial skills. The training lasts 45 hours and develop/enhance the following Skills: DECISION MAKING – COMMUNICATION – TEAM WORKING – ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET

2) You (th) Stand UP! Assessment – tool for self-assessment of entrepreneurial skills. 

(The model will soon be available in Italian, Greek and English on the project web page)


The meeting will be divided into two parts:

  • MORNING: 10.00 – 13.00

Seminar meeting on the theme of strengthening and enhancing transversal skills, with particular attention to skills entrepreneurs, educators, trainers, local leaders, youth workers; story of good practices at local level; presentation of the Educational Model “You (th) Stand Up! Educational Training Model ” . 


– Ciro Pizzo (Suor Orsola Benincasa – Naples University) –

 – Clara Tourres (Project Manager and expert in EntreComp)

– Guido Spaccaforno (Amesci)

– Pasqualino Costanzo (Ass. Cantiere Giovani)

– Rosa Piscitelli / Paola Maciariello (Ass. Patatrac)

– Amanda Tedeschi / Sabrina Contiello (Studio Erresse)

Representatives of Third Sector entities, professionals (educators, trainers, animators, youth workers etc) and volunteers who work in educational and social field 

Lunch (offered by host organisation)

  • AFTERNOON: 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm

Practical activities (workshops) related to the knowledge and experimentation of the “You (th) Stand Up! Educational Training Model ”

Young people, students (from high schools and universities), youth workers, professionals and volunteers will be invited.

The Workshop will take place in a square (to be communicated later) in Aversa, and will represent the opening event of the “Festival of good living”, an event born under the “React” project, a national project financed by the Social Enterprise With the children, in which Patatrac is a partner.


Patatrac: patatrac.associazione@gmail.com

FB: https://www.facebook.com/youthstandupEU/

website: https://youthstandup-project.weebly.com/

Progetto You (th ) Stand UP! L: patatracka2@gmail.com


Participation fee

PARTICIPATION MEETING AND COSTS: Participation is free and there will be an online pre-registration (in September the registration form will be sent).

Accommodation and food

For each participant is a possible to receive a reimbursement for 250€ per person. It covers: travel cost – accomodation and food

Travel reimbursement

A reimbursement of the return travel costs incurred with a public transport (bus-train-plane) of max 250 € per person is provided. The reimbursement will be made following the participation in the event by filling in a justified document (Patatrac will send it); sending  invoices or other proof of payment for travel, accomodation and food, sending travel supporting documents (boarding passes, bus/train tickets). 

Download instructions here: https://www.salto-youth.net/tools/european-training-calendar/download/salto%5Ctrainingcalendar%5Cmodel%5CDownload-7266/Information%20package_YouthStandUp_Multiplier%20Event.pdf

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