YOU reSTART! project

We are pleased to announce that our YOUreSTART! project has just officially relaunched!

Originally scheduled to launch in March 2021, the project aims to create a platform for networking and exchange between young people and workers in youth groups and in culture and art in general.

In the coming weeks we will provide more information about the upcoming activities and how you can get involved. Participation in all activities is free and open to all interested people!

—- Some information about the project

The project will last 24 months (March 2021-February 2023) and is carried out with the contribution of 5 partners from 5 countries.

  • To provide more incentives and tools for communication between culture workers and in youth groups through an online platform for creating, publishing and proposing content, tools and methodologies, open and available to all interested people
  • to create a repository of shared skills and practices for the development of entrepreneurial initiatives in the field of culture and the arts using digital technologies

It is envisaged that 40 youth workers with experience in artistic, cultural and creative activities will be actively involved in the project, either through the project partners/organisations, whether they are part of the project (permanent employees or volunteers) or through third parties active at local level and interested in participating.

The project activities to be carried out during these two years are:

  • the creation of the YOU reSTART! platform, which aims to contribute to the realisation of all the above communication, interaction and sharing objectives
  • the implementation of a series of training seminars on the development of entrepreneurial and digital skills
  • the implementation of a survey and a focus group in each of the partner countries in order to broaden knowledge and discussion with stakeholders and individuals on the issues addressed by the project

Expected outcomes:

  • To stimulate the skills of youth workers contributing to the promotion of youth inclusion and creativity
  • Improvement and/or development of digital skills (Digicomp No 3*) and entrepreneurial skills (Areas** 1 and 2)
  • The exchange of knowledge, experiences and opportunities between young people and youth workers at European level
  • The general empowerment of youth, culture and art workers, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic
  • The creation of a toolbox of methods and good practices related to cultural and artistic entrepreneurship in order to revitalise the sector and support its workers


Digicomp No 3*: “3.1 Development and creation of digital content”, “3.2 Integration and processing of digital content”, “3.3 Copyright and licensing”, “3.4 Programming”

Domains** 1 and 2: “Domain 1 – Ideas and Opportunities”, “Domain 2 – Resources”.

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