About trafficking

Quite frequently, when one thinks about “human trafficking”, sexual exploitation usually comes to mind and, in some cases, even forced labour. But, it’s only that? The answer is no. Human trafficking can take many forms such as domestic servitude, forced marriage, organ removal, exploitation of minors (begging, sex trade, warfare).

Also, no one is above it –everyone can be a victim of trafficking. The means used are not always violent and a false sense of security is being placed on the victim and until they realize what is really happening, they are trapped. Nowadays, looking for a job online is quite common and young people are more eager to abandon their home country in search for better future. So, economical problems and high rates of unemployment can cloud their judgment and accept an offer that eventually turns out to be not what it seemed to.

Being informed and being alert is important. During the proceedings of this project, we developed a platform in which everyone can find basic and up-to-date information regarding the trafficking phenomenon in Greece. It is not exhaustive, but it provides all the basic information one needs to know as an introduction to this. It is important to note some key differences (for example, human trafficking is not the same as migrant smuggling, but it can turn into it) and, in any case, knowing how to respond in a situation that calls for intervention.

Cyclisis is part of the LIREA consortium, and will implement training courses to professionals as well as educational courses to migrants/refugees victims of trafficking with the objective of their social (re)inclusion and financila independence. For more information send us a meeds via our contact form or directly via email at info@cyclisis.gr

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